Inclusive and collaborative (Hier nederlandse tekst)

Through these core principles, the platform aims to stimulate collaboration between stakeholders in the Dutch decommissioning and re-use agenda. The platform will start with a group of core members which includes EBN, oil and gas operators and MEA. The core members will engage with a broad set of stakeholders including decommissioning and re-use contractors, NGOs, the general public, the broader energy ecosystem (e.g. wind, gas distribution), the scientific community, government entities (other than the MEA), Regulators and users of the land and sea. Each stakeholder will be appropriately engaged given their interest in decommissioning and re-use, and their potential contribution to the platform.

Umbrella organization

The platform addresses a broad range of aspects, such as collaboration, information sharing, including to the general public, innovation and regulation. It serves as first point of contact for a broad set of stakeholders from the Netherlands and abroad. The umbrella organization houses a decommissioning and re-use database and a lessons learned sharing mechanism which will aid collaboration between stakeholders.

Coordinates, facilitates and seeks dialogue on

Conscious of the mandate given by its members, the platform will coordinate and facilitate activities supporting its agenda, seek dialogue with relevant stakeholders and initiate collaboration amongst stakeholders. The platform has no direct authority nor accountability over decommissioning and re-use operations. That authority and accountability remains with the E&P operators.

Decommissioning and re-use

The platform’s primary focus is the safe, environmentally responsible and cost-efficient decommissioning and re-use of oil and gas infrastructure over the coming decades in order to maximize economic lifetime of existing assets. The platform will also connect with stakeholders on the potential role of existing oil and gas infrastructure in the broader energy transition, for instance by contributing to the re-purposing of selected, suitable wells, pipelines and structures for CCS or offshore wind, or by re-using or recycling components and materials.


The masterplan presents a vision for the Dutch decommissioning market with 10 priorities for the coming years. It serves as the starting point for a broader decommissioning and re-use agenda for the Netherlands which needs to be developed further by the National Platform.

Oil and Gas infrastructure in the Netherlands

Refers to the on- and offshore wells, production facilities, sites and pipelines involved in the production and delivery of oil and gas in the Netherlands. This does not include activities or infrastructure related to distribution and trading.